
Articles Posted in HOA Governance


What is the Proper Procedure to Adjourn the Annual Meeting?

*Asked and Answered Asked – We recently concluded our Annual Meeting of the Membership. As always, we failed to achieve quorum. Rather than successively adjourn and reconvene the meeting, the Board concluded the meeting. Now we have several owners complaining, saying that the proper procedure was not followed when the…


Can the Board Reconsider an Approved Motion?

*Asked and Answered Asked – Can the Board reconsider a motion that was previously passed by a majority vote? One of the directors that voted in opposition to the motion would like the Board to reconsider. Answered – One of the Board’s primary responsibilities is to make decisions on behalf of…


Does Our Association Have View Rights?

*Asked & Answered Asked – Our HOA has been receiving architectural applications from Owners who are requesting to install tall trees or increase the height of their property walls for additional privacy. However, several neighbors have expressed their stark opposition to any modifications that would impact the views from their property.…


AB 1101 Signed! Welcome Clarity to HOA Financial Protection Requirements

*New Legislation AB 2912, passed in 2018, provided welcome protections to homeowners in HOA’s from fraudulent activities by those entrusted with managing an HOA’s finances. AB 2912’s protections included: 1) requiring Associations to secure fidelity bond insurance in an amount equal to or exceeding current reserves, plus three months of…


Due Process Regarding an Association’s Disciplinary Procedures

Rules are meant to be followed.  However, some homeowners unknowingly or knowingly violate these rules.  What should an association do under these circumstances? First and foremost, every association should have clear disciplinary and enforcement procedures (i.e., due process) regarding the handling of a homeowner’s violation of the association’s governing documents…


Asked and Answered: Recall Petitions

*Asked & Answered Asked – We recently completed our annual meeting/election where approximately ninety-four percent (94%) of the membership participated. Almost immediately thereafter, we received a petition to recall the Board of Directors (“Board”). Must our association go forward with the recall election? What alternate options are available to the Board?…


Megan’s Law HOA Disclosures Regarding Registered Sex Offenders – Proceed with Caution!

Megan’s Law is a federal law that permits authorities to release information about registered sex offenders (“Registered Offender”). California has a database of Registered Offenders available for public viewing on the internet (see Searches can be done by a Registered Offender’s name, or by city, zip or within a…


Returning to the New Normal- Post COVID: A Diary Entry by Rip Van Winkle

[As written by Rip Van Winkle on June 15, 2021] In early March 2020, I fell asleep upon drinking my favorite beverage on a California beach.  When I awoke today on June 15, 2021, I am surprised to see people celebrating in the streets and face masks in the trash. …


California is Reopening – But What Does That Mean for HOAs?

As of June 15, 2021, Governor Newsom terminated the executive orders that created the Stay-at-Home Order and the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. These orders have been replaced with and superseded by a new State Public Health Officer Order of June 11, 2021 (“Current Order”). This New Order requires all…