
Articles Posted in Rules & Regulations


SB 407 Signed! Legislation Broadens Assembly and Speech Rights within HOAs

New Civil Code 4515 will be added to the Davis-Stirling Act to ensure that homeowners association residents may exercise their rights of peaceful assembly and political speech. HOAs are playing an increasing role in the lives of California’s residents as compared to the roles traditionally played by cities and counties.…


Governor Brown Declares the End of the Drought

On April 7, 2017, Governor Brown signed Executive Order B-40-17, ending the drought state of emergency in most of California.  Drought restrictions will remain in effect in Fresno, Kings, Tulare, and Tuolomne counties, which continue to face drinking water shortages and diminished groundwater supplies.  The new Executive Order rescinds the emergency proclamations…


What Does Legalized Marijuana Mean for Your HOA?

Adult possession and use of marijuana for recreational purposes is now legal in California as a result of the passage of Proposition 64 (“Prop 64”) in 2016. Prop 64 is comprised of sixty-two (62) pages of detailed, complicated, and at times confusing regulations and statutory revisions to various California codes.…


AB 1448 Signed! HOA Bans on Clotheslines Get ‘Hung out to Dry’

*New Legislation Many sets of HOA governing documents contain provisions that prohibit clotheslines from being hung outside of an owner’s unit and/or in any area that is visible from adjoining properties or HOA common area. AB 1448 (Lopez) was proposed earlier this year in order to limit the extent to…


Occupancy Limitations and Homeowners Associations

On January 20, 2015, a tragic fire ripped through a condominium complex in the city of San Juan Capistrano, killing three, injuring six, and displacing eighty residents living in eight units.  The decedents were three of seventeen individuals living in a four-bedroom condominium.  In light of the deaths and their…


Modifying Enforcement Policies; Avoiding Claims of ‘Selective Enforcement’

One problem that arises in the context of enforcing homeowners association (“HOA”) governing documents pertains to how consistently certain use restrictions in the governing documents are enforced over time. For example, if a HOA has historically failed to enforce a particular restriction, a decision to enforce that restriction against a…


Expanded Scope of ‘Judicial Deference’ – Authority to Impose Short-term Renter Fees

*New Case Law In the landmark case of Lamden v. La Jolla Shores Clubdominium Homeowners Assn. (1999) 21 Cal.4th 249 (“Lamden“), the California Supreme Court established what is known as the “Rule of Judicial Deference” or “Lamden Rule” that, in sum, requires courts to defer to decisions made by a…


Hardwood Flooring & ‘Nuisance’ Noise

*New Case Law Homeowners within condominium developments are typically granted broad authority in making improvements to the interior of their respective Units that do not require modification of association common area. However, because of the way in which condominium projects are built, certain improvements made within a Unit may ultimately…


Personal Food Gardens Becoming a Nuisance?

*Asked & Answered Asked – Fallen and decayed vegetables from a homeowner’s garden are attracting numerous rats and other pests. With the new law permitting personal food gardens, is there anything our HOA can do to address this issue? Answered – Probably. AB 2561, effective January 1, 2015, added Section…