There is no substitute for expertise. HOA law is what we do.

Del-Sur-300x169It’s our privilege to welcome Del Sur Community Association to Tinnelly Law Group’s growing family of HOA clients.

Tucked between Rancho Santa Fe and Black Mountain Open Space Park, Del Sur offers distinctive neighborhoods nestled among 1,000 pristine acres. Del Sur is a vibrant San Diego master-planned community with distinctive architecture, award-winning schools and unmatched community spirit. Homes and parks are inspired by historic neighborhoods that have charmed generations of San Diegans – neighborhoods like Mission Hills, Kensington, La Jolla and Coronado.

hoa law firm Our HOA lawyers and staff look forward to working with Del Sur’s Board and management.


Serial dog poop litterers, unauthorized parking of vehicles, architectural violations, smoking nuisance—the list goes on and on when it comes to common “repeat violations” that a homeowners association (“HOA”) encounters on a day-to-day basis. With the increasing number of repeat violations and limited number of HOA board members and property managers, questions have surfaced whether or not HOA’s may, or should, utilize drones to enforce violations. Specifically, HOA boards are concerned with the legal implications that such utilization may impose because, well, why wouldn’t an HOA board want to send out a drone to inspect an architectural violation or monitor a smoking nuisance in lieu of physically walking to the property to do the same? In addition to the convenience factor that drones provide, it gives HOAs the added benefit of having concrete, recorded evidence should the violation escalate to the level of arbitration or judicial enforcement.

From a legal standpoint, the two primary areas of law that factor into HOA drone usage are (1) privacy law and (2) property law.


While there are numerous privacy laws and regulations, for HOA purposes, California Civil Code §§ 1708.8 (a) and (b) (collectively, the “Provision”) are the most applicable in regard to drone surveillance and enforcement. The Provision prohibits both “physical” and “constructive” invasion of privacy. Physical invasion of privacy requires the element of intentional trespass onto the land or airspace of the home (discussed further below) while constructive invasion of privacy does not require the element of physical trespass onto land or airspace.

In any event, both Provisions hold one liable for invasion of privacy when same utilizes a drone to “capture any type of visual image, sound recording, or other physical impression of the plaintiff [e.g., homeowner] engaging in a private, personal, or familial activity and the invasion occurs in a manner that is offensive to a reasonable person.” (Emphasis added.)  Ah yes, the “reasonable person” standard comes into play here as it does in almost 99.99% of standards used to dictate liability. Interpret it exactly how it sounds. If an HOA is utilizing the drone to capture a serial dog poop litterer in the community park, it certainly would not offend a reasonable person walking their dog in the park, nor would the violating individual have a “reasonable expectation of privacy” (a standard also used to adjudicate privacy suits) on common area owned by the HOA.

On the other hand, if an HOA is investigating a nuisance matter of excessive cigarette and/or marijuana smoke, can the HOA operate a drone from the common area zooming into the living room? Probably not. While one may make the argument that if the smoking activity was viewable in plain sight from common area streets (e.g., curtains wide open) that the individual has no reasonable expectation of privacy, it is likely to fail because the principle of an individual’s right and expectation of privacy within his/her home is held to an extremely high standard. Furthermore, it is best practice for HOA’s to err on the safe side of caution and avoid potential exposure to liability.


In addition to looming privacy concerns, HOAs need to be aware of property laws that protect homeowners from drone usage; in particular, communities that consist of single family homes wherein the homeowner owns the airspace above the land. In the early stages of property law (also known as “common law”), the principle that controlled for centuries was “[w]hoever’s is the soil, it is theirs all the way to Heaven and all the way to hell.” Of course, this has changed over the years with the evolution of mankind and (flight) technology starting with the groundbreaking U.S. Supreme Court case United States v. Causby, wherein the Court held that homeowners owned the airspace above ground level up to 365 feet (anything above that was public domain).

Today, homeowners own the airspace 500 feet above ground level in “uncongested areas.” (14 CFR § 91.119(c).)  This is the standard generally applied to airspace demarcation in residential communities (i.e., HOA’s).  See Lacey v. United States, 595 F.2d 614 (1979); see also Aaron v. United States, 311 F.2d 790, 801 (1963).   The idea behind this is to give homeowners property rights to their parcel of land as high above it as “normal use of the land” requires. As such, unless the drone is capable of operating in excess of 500 feet above ground level (at which point no practical HOA purpose will likely be served), under very limited circumstances should a drone ever be hovering above a homeowner’s physical land or airspace.

California HOA lawyers HOAs should utilize drones to enforce violations of their governing documents where appropriate—this should be considered on a case-by-case basis. Whether it is a serial dog poop litterer or smoking nuisance matter, it is advised that HOAs that are intending on utilizing drones use sound judgment, and more so, consult with their general counsel. Keep in mind that in order to operate a drone for HOA-related purposes, the HOA will have to apply for an exemption from registering the drone with the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”).

From our experience, with any recording devices implemented by HOAs, it is best practice and strongly recommended for HOAs to adopt a “Surveillance Camera Policy” or “Drone Policy,” wherein rules are implemented to regulate such devices and afford protection to the HOA.

-Blog post authored by TLG Attorney, Andrew M. Jun, Esq.

Entrada-300x169It’s our privilege to welcome Entrada Owners’ Association to Tinnelly Law Group’s growing family of HOA clients.

Entrada is a new collection of courtyard-style single family homes by Signature Homes. Entrada is conveniently located in the Natomas area of Sacramento for easy commuting — close to schools, shopping, parks and biking trails.

hoa law firm Our HOA lawyers and staff look forward to working with Entrada’s Board and management.

In case you missed it, Issue # 41 of our ‘Community Association Update’ newsletter is available now!New-Newsletter-Tempalte-300x167

Topics covered in this issue include:

  • SB 323 Signed! The New State of HOA Election Laws
  • Navigating the Hidden Risks of Homeowner Security Devices
  • THOU SHALT NOT REMOVE THE MEZUZAH:  California Legislature enacts SB 652 to Protect Displays of Religious Items on Doors and Doorframes
  • Vendor Relationships – Navigating Resident Interactions
  • The What and Why of Lender Rights, and How to Deal with Same

A link to the newsletter is here.

Need to be added to our mailing list? Click here to sign up. Links to previous editions of our newsletter can be found here.

New-Client-Photo-Template-0219-300x169It’s our privilege to welcome Gala Community Association to Tinnelly Law Group’s growing family of HOA clients.

Gala is a new collection of single-story, elevator-served flats at The Cannery in Davis. As the final neighborhood to be built within California’s first farm-to-table new home community, residents will enjoy all the community lifestyle and educational amenities that both Davis and The Cannery have to offer. Forty-eight of the flats are located within the southwestern part of the community along The Cannery Loop Trail. The remaining flats are found in the southern part of The Cannery, near The Amphitheatre and Market Park.

hoa law firm Our HOA lawyers and staff look forward to working with Gala’s Board and management.


*New Legislation

Governor Newsom recently signed into law Senate Bill 323 (“SB 323“). SB 323 makes substantive modifications to the Civil Code’s provisions governing HOA elections, effective January 1, 2020. Some of the more significant modifications require associations to amend their election rules to conform to new statutory requirements, limit the types of candidate qualifications an association may adopt, address the only circumstance for elections by acclamation, place limitations on who may serve as an inspector of elections, and bolster the ability of members to overturn an election that is not conducted in accordance with proper procedures.

*We have published a detailed article on SB 323, entitled “The New State of HOA Election Laws.”  The article is available for download, here.

*Also included with the article is a “Director Election Timeline” that illustrates the new pre-election notice requirements imposed by SB 323.  The timeline is also available for download, here.

California HOA lawyers SB 323 requires HOAs to make immediate changes to their election rules, especially those HOAs that have their annual meeting set to take place in the first quarter of 2020. Time is of the essence. Our team of HOA lawyers is ready to assist our clients with the steps needed to conform to the changes imposed by SB 323. 


Chained-Social-Media-Facebook-Twitter-YouTube-Regulations-Internet-900Like it or not, we live in the age of social media. It is undeniable and has dramatically transformed the way we communicate in every arena, including homeowners associations (“HOA”).  Information, opinions and images are broadcast and circulated at a rapid pace with little or no oversight involved.  These unfiltered transmissions over social media airwaves can have profound impacts on homeowners associations’ governance (board of directors), as well as its membership (homeowners).  Understanding the legal implications of social media use in the context of managed communities is critical to avoid conflicts, unexpected costs and legal battles.

In recent years, we have seen a myriad of lawsuits stemming from social media abuse:  In Tennessee, a homeowner faced legal action from her HOA for using the name of her subdivision on her personal Facebook neighborhood page.  In New York City, co-op residents aired their dirty laundry online, resulting in multiple lawsuits.  Elsewhere, a vacation-condominium owner sued a guest for $15,000 over negative social media comments.

It is not uncommon to find defamatory language being hurled at board members or management by disgruntled homeowners on online community forums, board members purporting to speak on behalf of the association on their personal Facebook pages, and association social media channels turning into de facto board meetings in violation of state law and governing document protocols.

These problems arise largely due to an inherent discord between the nature of social media and how community associations operate.  Association managed communities are highly regulated and restricted – indeed, their chief governing instrument is titled Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (“CC&Rs”). To the contrary, social media regulation is grossly inadequate.  Simply put, people are free to share their thoughts and opinions without real consequences, which often leads to capricious communications.  However, people cannot do this in community associations. For instance, homeowners cannot blurt out opinions in board meetings – in fact, homeowners are often not even allowed to speak, unless given permission.

Unfortunately, the legal landscape has been quite slow to catch up with the problems associated with unbridled communication.  There are few, if any, state laws to govern the use of social media in the realm of corporate governance.  Moreover, developers who write the CC&Rs are focusing on issues like special assessments and architectural approval, not whether board treasurer Bob has the right to post his opinions on the clubhouse renovation on Twitter.

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3-5_aba_little_tots*New Legislation

Governor Newsome recently signed into law Senate Bill 234 (“SB 234“), also know as the “Keeping Kids Close to Home Act.”  The new law will take effect on January 1, 2020.  SB 234 permits large daycare homes, which provide care for up to 14 children at one time, to operate within HOA communities regardless of contrary language in their CC&Rs.  The purpose of SB 234 is to increase the availability of childcare for families across the state by making it easier for daycare homes to operate in residential neighborhoods.

“It is the intent of the Legislature that family daycare homes for children should be situated in normal residential surroundings so as to give children the home environment that is conducive to healthy and safe development. It is the public policy of this state to provide children in a family daycare home the same home environment as provided in a traditional home setting.”

The California legislature previously declared that small daycare homes (those providing care for up to 8 children) were immune from HOA restrictions, like those against commercial use. (See H&S Code, section 1597.40(c).)  Prior to SB 234, local governments could decide whether to classify large daycare homes like small daycare homes or to subject the large daycare operators to additional restrictions and requirements.

In effect, SB 234 voids CC&R provisions that prohibit Owners from utilizing their properties as large daycare homes, so long as those Owners follow the necessary state licensing requirements and provide care for no more than 14 children.  The bill also informs those wishing to open daycare homes that remedies are available if the local governments or HOAs discriminate against them.

HOAs across the state should be aware that Owners have the right to open large daycare homes within the community, regardless of restrictions against commercial use or for single family use.  However, the new law does not allow Owners to violate other CC&R restrictions, like those prohibiting noise nuisances.

California HOA lawyers HOAs should always consult with their legal counsel when responding to Owners’ requests to open daycare homes within the communities in order to ensure compliance with the new state law and their CC&Rs.

-Blog post authored by TLG Attorney, Sarah A. Kyriakedes, Esq.

Serrano-300x169It’s our privilege to welcome Serrano at Glenrose Ranch Homeowners Association to Tinnelly Law Group’s growing family of HOA clients.

Serrano is a brand new collection of single family homes by Richmond American Homes.  Located in the foothills of East Highland, residents enjoy easy access to the city, mountains, and Big Bear Lake.

hoa law firm Our HOA lawyers and staff look forward to working with Serrano’s Board and management.

P9110024*New Legislation

Senate Bill 326 (“SB 326”) was recently enacted by the California Legislature and will take effect January 1, 2020. The bill accomplishes 3 main objectives: 1) it requires associations to conduct mandatory inspections for exterior elevated elements, such as decks, balconies, and walkways; 2) it invalidates and prohibits provisions in an association’s governing documents that restrict the board’s authority to initiate a legal proceeding against a developer for substandard construction; and 3) it requires an association to discuss with the membership the potential impacts of a construction defect action against the developer prior to the initiation of such an action.

Exterior Elevation Inspections

SB 326 introduces Civil Code Section 5551, which sets forth brand new requirements for associations with three or more multifamily dwelling units. For these associations, all exterior elevated elements that are supported in substantial part by wood or wood-based products, such as decks, balconies, stairways, and walkways, must be visually inspected every nine (9) years by a licensed structural engineer or architect (“Inspector”). The inspections are intended to determine whether the exterior elevated elements are in a generally safe condition and performing in accordance with applicable standards. These new requirements follow in the wake of a catastrophic balcony failure that resulted in a number of tragic deaths.

While the concept of visual inspections may sound fairly straightforward, the mechanics of the required inspections under Civil Code Section 5551 track unique and complex extrapolation protocols commonly employed in construction defect litigation. As a preliminary matter, not all elevated elements are required to be inspected. Rather, a statistician must be enlisted to prepare a randomized list of all the elevated elements qualifying for inspection (i.e. the total universe of those components that extend beyond the exterior walls of the building to deliver structural loads to the building from decks, balconies, stairways, walkways, and their railings, that have a walking surface elevated more than six feet above ground level, and that are supported in whole or in substantial part by wood or wood-based products). The randomized list must be prepared in such a way that the results of the inspections are representative of the project as a whole, within a margin of error of five (5) percent. This protocol allows for limited visual inspections (which will be a significant savings for the association), but provides confidence that those inspections are representative of the global onsite conditions.

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