There is no substitute for expertise. HOA law is what we do.

New-Newsletter-Template-300x167In case you missed it, Issue # 54 of our ‘Community Association Update’ newsletter is available now!

Topics covered in this issue include:

  • Unmasking Your HOA’s Common Area Facilities
  • How to Handle Potential Conflicts of Interest
  • Association Management and the Attorney-Client Privilege
  • What is the Proper Procedure to Adjourn the Annual Meeting?
  • Can the Board Reconsider an Approved Motion?
  • Can Private Parties Restrict Parking on Public Streets?

A link to the newsletter is here.

Need to be added to our mailing list? Click here to sign up. Links to previous editions of our newsletter can be found here.

Williamshire-300x169It’s our privilege to welcome The Williamshire Owners Association to Tinnelly Law Group’s growing family of HOA clients.

The Williamshire is a condominium community located in the city of Tustin.  Residents enjoy a pool, spa, and fitness center.


hoa law firm Our HOA lawyers and staff look forward to working with The Willliamshire’s Board and management.

Amethyst-300x169It’s our privilege to welcome Amethyst at Parasol Park Neighborhood Association to Tinnelly Law Group’s growing family of HOA clients.

Amethyst by the New Home Company is one of the newest neighborhoods within the Great Park Neighborhoods master-planned community.  Residents enjoy parks, pools, playgrounds, outdoor kitchen and a community GreenHouse.

hoa law firm Our HOA lawyers and staff look forward to working with Amethyst’s Board and management.

downloadConflicts of interest present possible liabilities that homeowners associations (“HOAs”) should do their utmost to avoid.  There are issues that need to be deliberated and decided upon by the Board of Directors; however, in some situations, not all Directors should take part in the decision-making.  A common scenario includes a situation where the Director might have a material financial interest in the outcome; or, the Director is violating the governing documents and should not decide on their own disciplinary consequences.  Therefore, to keep all lines of communication and responsibilities clear, the Board should watch out for potential conflicts of interest and take the necessary steps to insulate the HOA and the Director from actual conflicts of interest.  Some further examples of both potential and actual conflicts of interest could include:

  • Property damage to common areas abutting a Director’s property.
  • HOA litigation matters that could directly implicate a Director.
  • Capital improvements to common areas that would be advantageous to Directors.
  • The HOA contracting with vendors who have prior relationships with Directors without properly being vetted by neutral parties and/or management.
  • Using HOA funds to involve legal counsel to aid in a personal vendetta between a Director and HOA member.

What Should the Board Do If There Is A Potential Or Actual Conflict Of Interest?

Pursuant to Corporations Code section 7212, the Board may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the number of Directors then in office, provided that a quorum is present, create an executive committee consisting of two or more Directors, to serve at the pleasure of the Board.  The Board has complete control over all committees.  This means that the Board will decide who may serve in the committees and what authority they will have, subject only to the restrictions in the governing documents.

Accordingly, if there were any potential or actual conflicts as mentioned above, legal counsel for the association should broach the idea of the Board creating an executive committee around the conflicted Director.  While Directors are well-meaning, if their financial interests, property, or personal self are implicated in any way, it would be difficult for the respective Directors to act as a Director (i.e., in good faith and in the best interest of the HOA) and not as a homeowner.  This could be quite detrimental for the HOA and possibly even for the Director themselves because if there is an actual conflict of interest, that Director would be exposing themselves to personal liability; and the HOA’s Directors and Officers insurance might not be applicable if the Director acted outside the scope of their duties and decided on matters in such a way that would not benefit the HOA.

Therefore, it would be prudent to resolve any potential conflicts of interest by removing the Director from any decision they might be personally involved in and forming an executive committee around that respective Director.  Should the Board have difficulty with this task, it might be best to enlist legal counsel’s help in explaining liabilities and conflicts of interest to all parties involved.

California HOA lawyers Note that if an executive committee is comprised of enough Directors so as to establish a quorum of the Board, any meeting of that committee could constitute a Board meeting that is subject to the Open Meeting Act’s requirements.  Additionally, executive committees must maintain minutes pursuant to Civil Code section 5210 and make them available for inspection by the members within fifteen (15) days following approval.

-Blog post authored by TLG Attorney, Vivian X. Tran, Esq.

Channel-View-Terraces-300x169It’s our privilege to welcome Channel View Terraces, Inc. to Tinnelly Law Group’s growing family of HOA clients.

Channel View is a condominium community located steps from the beach in Playa del Rey.  Residents enjoy panoramic ocean and marina views, local bistros, and easy access to the community park and lagoon.


hoa law firm Our HOA lawyers and staff look forward to working with Channel View Terraces’ Board and management.

The-Resort-300x169It’s our privilege to welcome The Resort Master Corporation to Tinnelly Law Group’s growing family of HOA clients.

The Resort is a master planned community of 3,450 new homes by Lewis Community Developers in Rancho Cucamonga.  Residents enjoy a resort-style clubhouse, fitness center, yoga studio, pool and spa, bark park, outdoor lounge, bocce ball court and fire pit.

hoa law firm Our HOA lawyers and staff look forward to working with The Resort’s Board and management.


California has lifted its indoor mask mandate for vaccinated individuals. While most HOA industry professionals took the position that the mask mandate did not apply to common interest developments and the HOAs that govern them because such facilities are not “places of public accommodation” (see Carolyn v. Orange Park Community Ass’n (2009) 177 Cal.App.4th 1090), for those imposing such a requirement, starting February 16th, they no longer need to require the use of masks for vaccinated individuals while inside common area facilities (e.g., HOA clubhouses, gyms, etc.).

This does not mean that HOAs are necessarily required to obtain proof of vaccination; rather, HOAs can simply post signage requiring residents to wear mask if unvaccinated. Moreover, some local mask mandates remain in place despite the State easing their restrictions. It is therefore important for each association to check with local authorities to determine what restrictions remain in place.

California HOA lawyers HOA Boards of Directors and management professionals that have questions regarding what common area facility policies must be in place to satisfy State and local requirements with respect to COVID-related issues should contact their HOA lawyer for guidance. 

-Blog post authored by TLG Partner, Matt Plaxton, Esq.

Seaport-300x169It’s our privilege to welcome Seaport Maintenance Association to Tinnelly Law Group’s growing family of HOA clients.

Seaport is a condominium community located in the city of Irvine.  Residents enjoy a clubhouse, pool and spa, tennis court and sport court.


hoa law firm Our HOA lawyers and staff look forward to working with Seaport’s Board and management.

Nevis-Milano-300x169It’s our privilege to welcome Nevis Milano, Inc. to Tinnelly Law Group’s growing family of HOA clients.

Nevis Milano is a condominium community located in the city of Laguna Niguel.  Residents enjoy a clubhouse, fitness center, pool and spa.


hoa law firm Our HOA lawyers and staff look forward to working with Nevis Milano’s Board and management.

imagesAttorneys who practice community association law are often asked whether a community manager is covered by the attorney-client privilege. In general, the attorney-client privilege shields communications intended to be confidential between an association and its attorney.  Materials prepared by an attorney and that reflect the attorney’s thoughts, conclusions or opinions (attorney work product) may also be protected against discovery by adverse parties provided that appropriate precautions are taken to ensure that the confidential work product falls squarely within the scope of California’s civil work product privilege.

The Attorney Client Privilege is the right of a client to prevent another from disclosing a confidential communication between the client and their lawyer.  (See Evidence Code section 954).  A “confidential communication” means information transmitted between a client and their lawyer in the course of that relationship and in confidence by a means which, so far as the client is aware, discloses the information to no third persons other than those to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary for the transmission of the information or the accomplishment of the purpose for which the lawyer is consulted. (See Evidence Code section 952.) California courts have held that “the privilege extends to communications which are intended to be confidential, if they are made to attorneys, family members, business associates, or agents of the party or his attorneys…, when disclosure is reasonably necessary to further the interest of the litigant”.  (Zurich v. Superior Court (2007) 155 CA4th 1485, 1495-1496.) “While involvement of an unnecessary third person in attorney-client communications destroys confidentiality, involvement of third persons to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary to further the purpose of the legal consultation preserves confidentiality of communication.  (Zurich, supra, at 1496.)

The California Supreme Court has recognized that a corporation such as an Association can only communicate through an officer, employee, or some other person. (Chadbourne v. Superior Court (1964) 60 Cal2nd 723, 732.) “(T)he privilege is not waived simply because the communication is made through an agent of the client or of the attorney.” Chadbourne, supra, at 735. The American Law Institute recognizes the need for corporate employees and agents to have access to confidential materials. The Restatement Third of Law Governing Lawyers provides that when a client is a corporation, the privilege extends to an agent of the organization who reasonably needs to know of the communication in order to act for the organization. (See Restatement Third, Section 73). The corporate agent may be apprised of privileged communications even after they are made such as by examining books and records of the corporation containing privileged communications in order to conduct the affairs of the organization in light of the legal services provided. (See Zurich, supra, at 843.)

In a leading treatise on the subject of the privilege in the context of community associations, the author explains the role of a third-party management company as follows.

Communications between the manager and the attorney, authorized by the association and concerning a privileged issue, are privileged if the parties intended them to be confidential. ***Because management personnel are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the community and implement directives of the board, they are important links between the association and its attorney. As the keeper of an association’s records and files, management has a significant involvement in formulating the association’s legal position in a case, providing both factual information which is necessary for the litigation and advice to the board as to what actions need to be taken to maintain and protect, for example, the association’s finances and the physical plant. By necessity, the attorneys must consult with them, obtain information from them, and relay information to them regarding legal issues. Communications between the association’s attorneys and management regarding litigation and other association legal matters thus are communications between the attorneys and their client, the association.” See Karloff, “The Attorney-Client Privilege and Confidentiality in Community Associations”;  CAI  College of Community Association Lawyers Law Seminar 2009.

Accordingly, there is little doubt that privileged communication through the third-party management company is both necessary and in furtherance of the interests of the Association in effectively communicating with legal counsel. To ensure applicability of the privilege, association counsel can prepare a general Board Resolution authorizing the management company and its employees to act as agents of the Association where necessary to further communications with legal counsel.

With respect to the so called Attorney Work Product Privilege, Boards and Managers should be aware of the following. This privilege or “Work Product Doctrine” is not an evidentiary privilege but rather a policy codified by statute to preserve the privacy of legal counsel to thoroughly prepare their legal theories and strategies, free from the unnecessary intrusion of their adversaries. (Code of Civil Procedure (“CCP”) section 2018.020.)  Materials created or derived from an attorney’s work reflecting the attorney’s evaluation of the law or facts qualifies as work product.  (Coito v. Superior Court (2012) 54 CA 4th 480, 488.) The doctrine applies to tangible things such as written expert reports, diagrams, appraisals, and witness statements.  Any  report or writing prepared in anticipation of litigation or for purposes of investigating potential claims for the benefit of the Association should be prepared under the supervision of and transmitted in care of legal counsel.  In the case of expert review, the decision whether to request a formal written report should not be made until legal counsel and the Board can evaluate the preliminary findings and recommendations of the expert consultant.

It is also important to note that attorney work product is divided into two categories – absolute and qualified work product. CCP section 2018.030(a) provides absolute protection from discovery of any “writing that reflects an attorney’s impressions, conclusions, opinions, or legal research or theories”. CCP section 2018.030(b) provides qualified protection for work product that does not fall under the “absolute” protections of section 2018.030(a). It only protects such work product  “unless the court determines that denial of discovery will unfairly prejudice the party seeking discovery in preparing that party’s claims or defense.” For example, a witness statement obtained by an attorney’s investigator where few if any questions were asked would likely reveal nothing of the attorney’s impressions, conclusions or opinions.

The important take away here for Associations and their management representatives is that when confronted with the threat of a lawsuit, or during the investigation of a potential claim against the Association, Boards and managers should think carefully about whether to interview witnesses or retain the services of an expert consultant without the assistance and involvement of legal counsel. A failure to engage counsel early in such process may expose any written report or witness statement to discovery by opposing parties in the event that litigation ensues.

California HOA lawyers Understanding and protecting confidential communications and work product involving representation by the Association’s legal counsel is an important function of the management company’s agency for the Association and is in furtherance of the management company’s fiduciary duties owed to its association clients.

-Blog post authored by TLG Attorney, Bradley D. Walker, Esq.

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