Vendor professionals frequently provide a variety of services on behalf of community associations and individual homeowners. Under California’s Constitution, unpaid vendors possess a legal right to lien the property upon which they work for the value of their rendered services or furnished material. AB 534 (Gallagher), effective January 1, 2018, seeks…
Articles Posted in HOA Governance
Court Concludes Rental Restrictions are Reasonable
*Unpublished Case Recently, many residential common interest developments have experienced an influx in the number of short-term rentals within their community. This problem is exacerbated by the increased popularity of websites such as Airbnb and HomeAway. Although profitable, short-term rentals have a significant negative impact on community associations, such as…
Swallows Nests are Protected by the Migratory Bird Act
*Asked & Answered Asked – I’m receiving calls regarding swallows nests. Folks want them removed. Pest control is reminding everyone they are protected and removing is punishable by law. We are in high time for swallow activity! Is there anything our HOA can do to address this issue? Answered –…
Governor Brown Declares the End of the Drought
On April 7, 2017, Governor Brown signed Executive Order B-40-17, ending the drought state of emergency in most of California. Drought restrictions will remain in effect in Fresno, Kings, Tulare, and Tuolomne counties, which continue to face drinking water shortages and diminished groundwater supplies. The new Executive Order rescinds the emergency proclamations…
Access to HOA Membership List Must be for a Proper Purpose
*New Case Law As part of the ongoing management of a homeowners association (“HOA”), the HOA is obligated to prepare and maintain certain “association records,” most of which must be made available for inspection by the HOA’s members. However, the right to inspect and copy certain association records is not…
AB 2362: Association Notice Required Prior to Pesticide Application Without a Licensed Pest Control Operator
Once again the first of the year brings new legislation impacting common interest developments. The passage of Assembly Bill 2362 adds Civil Code section 4777 to the Davis Stirling Common Interest Development Act effective January 1, 2017. The intent of this bill was to require the same written notification of…
SB 814: Penalties for Excessive Water Use
California is experiencing the worst drought in over a century. As a result, the California Legislature has enacted a number of laws aimed at water conservation. Existing law requires the Department of Water Resources and the State Water Resources Control Board to take appropriate actions to prevent unreasonable water use. …
AB 1978: Janitorial Service Providers Must be Registered
AB 1978 creates the Property Services Workers Protection Act. Adding Part 4.2 (commencing with Section 1420) to Division 2 of the Labor Code, it requires every janitorial business within the State of California to register yearly with the Commissioner of the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (“DLSE”) and pay a…
The California Air Resources Board Has Established Regulations Regarding Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles that Directly Impact Homeowners Associations
The California Air Resources Board (“ARB”) passed a regulation (“Regulation”) that requires diesel trucks and buses that operate in California to be upgraded to reduce emissions. The Regulation has a direct impact on HOAs and requires them to take steps to verify that certain vehicles they hire are properly certified…
FHA Proposes New Rule for Condominium Certification & Lowers Owner-Occupancy Requirement
We previously blogged about H.R. 3700, the “Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016”, which was signed by the President on July 29, 2016. H.R. 3700 required the Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) to streamline the Federal Housing Administration (“FHA”) recertification process, provide regulations for commercial space exemptions,…